Migraine in ayurveda is known as Ardhavabhedaka.Role of Digestive issues (Agni-dusti), Mental issues like stress, depression, anxiety, traumas ect (Manah- santapa, Rodana, Shoka, Bhaya ) as psychological factors have been emphasized in the causative factors and involved in pathology.
Various reasons are told in Ayurveda
Digestion issues, due to over eating, eating too much spicy ,hot potency food, excess fasting, intake of alcohol, improper sleep, exposure to cold, dust, smoke, over exposure to sunlight, not attending natural urges like bowels and urine, excess talking, excess exercise ,unpleasant smells and odors, stress ect are listed are some triggers for migraines attacks.
According to Ayurveda there is an imbalance in Tridosha and trigunas of mind has causative factor. Excess of shoka (sorrow), krodha (anger), chinta (unnecessarythinking), kama (lust), krodha (anger), lobh (greed),
moha (delusion), irshya (jealousy), abhimana (pride), mada (euphoria), shoka (sorrow) and bhaya (fear) are some of the negative emotions which can contribute to mental imbalance.
Migraines without aura and migraines with aura. Migraine without aura is a condition characterized by moderate to severe throbbing and unilateral pain. The pain is worsened by movement and accompanied by at least one of the following symptoms .
1,Nausea, loss of appetite and/or vomiting 2, Photophobia (increased sensitivity to light) 3,Phonophobia (increased sensitivity to sound) Aura symptoms can last between 5 and 60 minutes.
Acharya Charaka author for Ayurvdic classical charaka samhita, has described the prominently involved sites as Manya (neck), Bhru (eyebrow), Shankha (Temporal region), Karna (ear), Akshi (eye) and Lalata (fore head). Pain is cutting and piercing in nature.
Ayurvedic diagnosis is to find the root cause and eliminate it through changes in life style (Din- charya), diet (Ahara) and keeping the Agni -Digestive fire & Doshas in balance. Life style management like proper Diet and Sleep, Exercises, Yoga & Pranayama ( Yoga exercises& breathing exercises), following Ayurvedic seasonal regimens (Ritucharya), Night regimens (Ratricharya), Daily regimens(Din- charya) and Socio ethical Sadvritta etc.
Treatment of migraine in Ayurveda
1. Nidana parivarjana:- Avoid the precipitating factors whenever possible, consume compatible diet and adopt life style modifications suitable to the disease condition. 2. Shamana Chikitsa (Drug therapy):-
Single herbs :- Shunthi (Zingiber of- ficinale Rosc.) Churna, Y ashthimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.) Churna
Intake of Ghee, Buttermilk, Luke warm milksops with horse gram, green gram ect.