Gingered Lemon Drink
Try drinking ginger juice with lemon and hot water. This is a surefire recipe for preventing and curing colds. 2 spoons full of ginger juice and 1 spoonful of lemon in one glass of hot water. Allow the patient to sip it slowly. This is going to prevent him from being dehydrated. Well, since ancient times lemon juice was used to prevent colds in the winter, but now we know that vitamin C is the main ingredient in citric fruits, which keeps you healthy. So instead of eating vitamin C tablets, drink lemon juice, and lots of it in warm water in the winter. You may also want to try half a teaspoon of lemon juice and 1/4 teaspoon ginger juice in one teaspoonful of honey 3-4 times a day. This prevents your throat from getting dry and also clears up the cough. Children love it. Onion Juice and Honey
