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Ankylosing spondylosis and Ayurveda

Ankylosing spondylitis is an inflammatory disease affecting the lower back of the body starting with sacroiliitis ( inflammation of the low Pelvic bones). In later stage affect the whole spine by fusing the vertebrae. Seen in early adulthood which affects most of life. In Ayurveda, management of this type of musculoskeletal disorder comes under Vatavyadhhis.

Therefore different treatment modalities are applied to manage pain and other symptoms seen in Ankylosing spondylosis.


The prevalence of AS in a population is directly related to the frequency of HLA-B27 antigen.Commonly accepted that inflammation is driving force for structural damage in AS. Long term inflammation of the joint of the spine. The underlying mechanism is believed to be autoimmune or

autoinflammatory .

Autoimmune disease occurs when the body is working hard to defend against potentially hazardous substance to our bodies such as allergens, toxins, infections or food, but does not see the difference between the invaders and our own body cells.

By various unsuitable diet habits with improper lifestyle leads to as Mandagni. It results in formation of proper digestive material and goes circulating in the body. These substances are called as Ama in Ayurveda. During circulation when got suitable place to lodge it affect that part and resulting into disease. Such diseases called as Samarogas.

Inflammatory signs seen in AS and other symptoms of Ama associated with Vata. Treatment principle of this basis helps to provide significant relief in patient suffering with Ankylosing spondylitis.


Ankylosing spondylitis symptoms Pain of the body parts Joint pain Body stiffness

Weakness Heaviness Lethargy Disturbed sleep due to pain Lack of vigour

Treatment in Ayurveda

In Amajanya Vyadhis different Achryas described the following line of treatment like Deepana/Pachana, snehapana, Sodhana in proper Sodhana kala.

1) Deepana/Pachana: first line to treat the

Agni (digestive power) as main pathogenesis start after depletion of Agni. So Deepana and Pachana drugs will suitable which have Tikta (bitter) and Katu rasa (taste). It will improve the digestion and will reduce the formation of Ama (toxins).

2) Snehapana: before going to Sodhana therapy there are various poorvakarma procedure to perform, one among the Snehapana where medicated Sneha (Ghee/oil) given by oral route as per Agni Bala after assessment of Ama. The medicated ghee/oil will reduce the Vayu, it loosen the channel of body and improve the digestive power with loosen any constipation or any waste

accumulations .

3) Virechana: Procedure to induce

laxation. It removes the metabolic waste

and will works on Pitta dosha. Pitta

dosha shows the inflammatory signs in

body like burning sensation, redness etc.

In case of Ankylosing spondylosis, virechana will have good effects by elimination of wastes ect.

4)Basti: Vata dosha as prime involvement of AS and pain as main symptom, Basti will have good effect on alleviate both Vata and resulting pain alleviation.

In condition of Ama where chronic cases of Ankylosing spondylitis, Basti like Kshara Basti to relief from Ama will be helpful.Asthi dhatu and Vata dosha atre both inversely proportional in Ayurveda as described by Ashraya ashtrayi Brava.

Other therapies: therapies like local Basti by putting oil in tendered area for relief in pain will helpful. For Rookshana therapies like Vaaluka swedana, Choorna pinda swedana to remove stiffness from the body.

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